Friday, October 10, 2008

master directors at work

body of lies--
easy to be deceived by the bland, generic trailer; tagline flat-out says Deceive Everyone. likely the marketing folks (justifiably) felt they wouldn't need to sell much more than dicaprio, crowe, and ridley scott. in light of blase' campaign, i was actually fearing this one would fall flat. not so. as with nearly all scott's films, technical aspects are Tight--cinematography, editing, sound, music all dazzling. performances, too (no surprise), come through. and thanks to william monahan's (academy award, the departed) snappy adaptation, action is riveting, even when story is the stuff of which so many other genre flicks are made.
riveting: 3 stars

writer/director mike leigh does it again: a completely unconventional story that grabs you and shakes you and makes you Feel. he crafts by shaping improv with his actors for months before shooting, so what you experience are fully-formed, lived-in characters undergoing transformation. lead sally hawkins is a revelation. she is the heart & soul of the piece, steadfastly smiling, quipping, genuinely loving her way through the profound challenges of the daily urban grind. even the deeply disturbed, frightening foil boldly embodied by eddie marsan can't keep this trooper from seeing her path as a blessed one.
profound: 4 stars

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